Amanda is a passionate creative and innovative public health professional a registered nurse with a graduate degree in Public Health and more than 20 years of experience For the past 15 years she has led multi disciplinary health care teams In addition her experience includes post secondary BScN teaching assignments
Amanda has been trained in knowledge translation reflective supervision Indigenous cultural safety media relations evidence informed public health continuous quality improvement open space facilitation motivational interviewing and leadership
Recognized as a field expert in early child development home visiting interventions maternal mental health and addressing adverse childhood experiences Amanda has contributed to several research publications training programs and advisory committees in Ontario
Through volunteer work and community leadership Amanda has demonstrated personal commitment to building strong community connections in her own backyard
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Being Trauma Informed

Delivering trauma-informed interventions improves effectiveness of relationship-based interventions and outcomes for clients.

Being a trauma-informed workplace reduces burnout and improves outcomes for staff, teams, and organizations.



  • What is trauma-informed?
  • Why is it important?
  • How do I apply a trauma-informed lens to my work?


  • Health/equity impact assessments
  • Workforce assessment
  • Recommendations for improving trauma-informed approaches
Being Evidence Informed

Evidence-informed public health planning and decision making ensures that interventions address a need, are delivered with impact, maximize capacity, and leverage partnerships.

By utilizing an evidence-informed public health framework, you can plan, implement and evaluate interventions with confidence.

Brief Evidence Reviews

  • Assist with research question
  • Conduct evidence review
  • Share evidence findings
  • Draft implementation recommendations based on evidence
  • Prepare rapid review report and/or other knowledge translation products

Evidence-Informed Public Health Coaching

Work with your team to learn and apply steps of Evidence-Informed Public Health.

Might include:

  • recommended training
  • facilitation of key EIPH activities
  • coaching/mentorship
Addressing Child and Family Health

The health of our world, depends on resilient children, families and communities.

Addressing childhood adversity and promoting family resilience through a comprehensive approach can have the greatest return on investment, especially in health, education, social services and economic sectors.


A tailored workshop sharing evidence for comprehensive approaches to addressing adverse childhood experiences, promoting early relational health and building resilient families and communities.

Child/Family Health Impact Assessments

An assessment of planned or current interventions, policies, and/or communications to reveal intended and unintended impacts on child and family health.

Creating Impactful Health Content

In today’s world, it is more imperative than ever that evidence-based health-related communications and messages are clear, credible, accessible and impactful.

Knowledge Translation Coaching

Access coaching and recommendations for knowledge translation planning specifically tailored to your objective and audience by a certified knowledge translation specialist.

Health content writing/review

  • research and prepare content/key messages on a health-related topic
  • review and edit health-related content, including reports, text books, web content, grant applications, policies, and practice guidelines

Leading with Care

Burnout is the number one workplace issue facing health care professionals.

Leading people who are working in caring professions, or those whose work is dependent on relationships, requires a different approach.

Workshop for health care professionals, educators, and/or social workers

A tailored workshop sharing evidence-based strategies to prevent burnout. Strategies include those at individual, team, and organizational levels.

Practical and important.